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I Am The Walrus (Released November 1967)
From the album Magical Mystery Tour
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Happiness Is Alison Conway CHAS Watercolour

Ralph Christine Broadbent Pen & Ink

Koi Study Lisa Timmerman Oil & Cold Wax
This painting, along with several other paintings from my koi series will be on display this summer at ‘The GooseBec Gallery’, Church Walk, Burnham Market, North Norfolk, in an exhibition with my painting teacher, Leicester artist, Paul Wright.

A Magpie Named Malcolm
Sally Struszkowski
Pen & Ink with Watercolour
Please contact Sally at:

Highland Cow Liz Sturgis Acrylics

Birds in flight Hilary Willars Watercolour

Smokey Vivien Blackburn CHAS Charcoal
The cat, Smokey, is half Norwegian Forest and half Rag Doll, so very fluffy with a sweet face, and great to draw with all the movement in his fur. On A4 cream paper, which I let show through a little. Charcoal with a touch of black and white pastel. Obviously done from a photo as he isn’t a cooperative model!

Fish Tina James CHAS Ink

Log Pile with Friends Tina James CHAS Watercolour & Ink

Mary Kayleigh Taylor Pencil
Caran D’Ache Luminance Coloured Pencils on Clairefontaine Pastelmat

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