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Welcome to our
4th online OPEN exhibition
Crown Hills Art Society has been hosting online exhibitions (both of its members' work as well as open exhibitions) since May 2020 when we came online due to the start of the pandemic.
We are now back, holding our monthly meetings in person at Crown Hills Community College, and hoping to be once again exhibiting there later this year.
We wanted to acknowledge this coming together again by hosting another open, online exhibition as a way of connecting with fellow artists and creatives and celebrating the art that has kept us going through these difficult times.
We hope you enjoy the selection of artwork presented here (from our members and other guests). Those that are happy to sell work or take commissions have their contact details displayed below their work.
We welcome constructive feedback about our exhibitions and individual artworks. Please feel free to tell us what you think through our email address - found at the bottom of this page.
The inspiration for the set up of this exhibition comes from the Beatles' song title "All Together Now" (taken from the Yellow Submarine album) and we have arranged the artwork into different themes accessed by pressing the records below.
Can you guess the theme of the art from the Beatles' song titles?
To return here simply press the record at the end of each themed page.
Please note - The exhibition is best viewed on a laptop/computer or tablet screen - there may be some discrepancies if viewed via a mobile phone

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